Carbon Pricing 101 With The Climate Reality Project Australia

Last Saturday (28th July 2012) The Climate Reality Project Australia held a “Presenter’s Catch Up” in the Multicultural Hub on Melbourne CBD to update on everyone’s activity after the Congress in October 2011. 

The eleven presenters who present on the day are not sharing their experience on their activity, but to discuss about the issue on carbon pricing. 



Melbourne in a flash


Random artwork that I found near Brunswick

A public art space under near the Flinders Lane

Artwork showcase on PLATFORM; a community art space in Flinders lane

Various afternoon cakes in Hopetoun Cafe

Some of the photos that I took during my last weekend in the city. Enjoy 🙂

Settling In

Its been 15 days. Yes, I finally settled in Berwick, one of the suburb in Melbourne. How’s everyone doin? In the next couple of post, I will reveal my life on this place.

Cheerios 😀

I want the old John Mayer

As one of Mayer’s fans, I’m a bit dissapointed with his latest album, Born and Raised. I discovered his ultimate plan in making a come back is when he released his first single “Shadow Days” on his official Facebook page that link the song, so we can listen on iTunes.

When I first looked into the picture, why John is wearing a cowboy hat and pose like he is an old man? What happened to the sleek, sexy, yet sophisticated guy that charm each of his fans with that cool yet effortless look? I demand that this guy is wearing a white t-shirt and jeans when shooting his next video.

Anyhow, I’m not sure whats going on with him. However, my main consern is that Mayer is trying to change his taste on music. From the previous albums, we oftenly heard and knows very well that he specialize his music by bringing tunes that have a theme on love or breakup which makes him one of the best love song writer. So, whats up with the country tunes that just does not make any sense!

If you mind, differiantiate between the video I post above and the one below. Which one do you like? Personally, I love the John Mayer on below.


As I walked down on the street, a question pop in my head “how many problems do they have to live in on each day of their life?”

Should problem hinder us to move forward or a lesson to learn? Whatever that is…its there and live up a life as it is.


An Answer: Getting What You Really Want.

Its midnight in Indonesia. I could not sleep, so I decided to open my laptop and write whatever that cross my mind.

My days of exam are over. Its time for me to put my feet up, watch the television for hours, hang out with friends, and eat good food. Unfortunately, if I wrote around that stuff..I dont think that would be a good dish to read.

I want to ask you this question, “have you ever feel the moment when you finally get what you want?.” I’m sure in one point on your life, you experienced that feeling. Well, I got that today.

An email got in to my Blackberry and the subject of that email is “Full offer-Hamzah Ramadhan”. OMG, finally….there is an email from my future university that telling me that I got my full offer.

Wait, I know that you are going to think that its a post that share the feeling of the writer after he got his dream university offer. You know what, I dont think thats going to be a good store angle.

Instead, I will tell you how long I have to wait for that letter to get in to my Inbox. For the last 10 months I’ve been praying, dying, eating, breathing and last but not least…hoping that this day would come faster. I finally got what I want. Getting into my dream university. Through the tremendous effort of myself, my father, and a whole lotta of God’s work. Amen to that.

Its such a good feeling that you realized that your life is soon to be change. Starting a whole chapter in your life. Meeting strangers and hoping they can be friends or lover. Exploring new possibilities. Maybe, come back home? I’m not going to answer that answer soon. Only time can answer that.

Those of you who live in the Northern Hemisphere, I would like to wish you a very good morning and a pleasant day.

Dear you,

Who dont hate exam? Well, I’m sure that I’m not alone on this case. Here’s the thing about  an exam, you study weeks before the day or some of you might cramp one night before the day. Whatever it is, I’m not very fond with the idea of sitting in a room with a piece of paper containing your future.

I just finished my exam today. To exaggerate this post, its one of the hardest yet annoying exam of all. If you wonder what subject that I took its an introduction to statistics.

What I hate the most is not about the subject, but when my lecturer is keep checking on my paper and giving that look like I dont answer the questions correctly. Seriously, that freaked me out the most.

Not only that, my exam room is mixed with student from other faculty. I think they have a rough time too, because they keep calling their lecturer to explain about the questions on the exam. Okay, here’s a piece of advice to the lecturer. Stay cool and dont act too much while explaining the questions to your students. I can concentrate while answering my questions! Its annoying and I dont think it very polite.


A student with a blue jumper and kept his anger inside of him.

How do you find happiness?

You might think that I’m in the my midlife crisis and trying to wish on a miracle so I can find my happiness. Then, you are totally wrong.

All I’m doing is simply to ask those of you, “what are the things that makes you happy?”

I realized that after a hard day of studying, food is my savior. I dont care what kind of food that should pass through my throat, whatever it is for sure it makes me happy. I remembered yesterday, after I did my exam I craved for a simple Bak Pao and Sio Mai. For those of you who dont know what is “Bak Pao” it is a white bun made from white flour and served warm with different fillings like chicken, veggie, red/green bean or chocolate. While Sio Mai is like a dumpling made with the combination of shrimp and chicken and served warm with chili or tomato relish.

Enjoying your food while sitting in front of my television while listening to the latest gossip from Guilanna Rancic is like a piece of heaven on Earth. The climax of the scene is when I got sleepy and ending up in bed after my stomach is filled with delish dish 😛

What else? I just came into a realization that bitching about others is a stress release. I dont need to hate the person to find one or two or even many issue about one person so I can bitch about them. I just have to say whatever words or thoughts that cross my mid and bitch and bitch and continue to bitch until I got tired.

Food and bitching others are my simple remedy to gain my happiness in life.

What’s yours?


Sometimes the mountain you climb, its just a grain of sand

Carrie Underwood-So Small

Sometimes the mountain yo…

Katy Perry-Part of Me (Lyrics Video)

Everytime I open my MacBook during my day, this song is my remedy. I’m not posting this because I just had a break up with my partner or any related issue that I’m sure is crawling on your brain on this moment.

I like to put this way, there is always a part in ourselves that cannot be replaced. Whether its money or anything in between, I’m sure you have one thing that cannot be released from your life and wish that it is yours for a certain period of time.